Sunday, July 14, 2013

Algebra 1 - Unit vocabulary

At the end of the first unit (maybe 2nd?) we did a review where we highlighted the vocabulary from the unit. To go faster, I typed the vocabulary on my laptop after we'd decided on what words we needed to clarify. Fantastic idea... Until I deleted the file as the next class came in. You know, I wish I could say I was that teacher who always looked fantastic, always had everything prepared with no printing problems, every student left my class thinking my lesson was fabulous, who never accidentally deleted files... But I'm not there yet. Nope. Not yet. So I delete the file, smack my forehead and then moved on with a blank page. This vocabulary lesson put most of my class off track with page count (not everyone writes the same size) which in turn put our table of contents off and so this is why I am not fond of a table of contents.

In the meantime, here is my vocabulary page in all its blank glory-

Let's talk about how I could make this all better. The first thing I can think of is to have some pre-printed worksheet with vocabulary spaces to fill in. I don't know that id have everything typed in, maybe just an open page with bullet points in place. I don't know that I would do a shutter fold. OR better yet we would make a pocket and do flash cards instead. Hmm. Either way, instead of typing like I did this time, I will be writing along with my students because I have a document camera now. Life is better with a document camera. I don't know why. It just is.


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