Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Syllabus thoughts

Many teachers I've seen have decided to change things up a bit and go from a several page syllabus to a brochure style format. The format examples can be seen on Pinterest and through searches on Google.
I really liked the idea from Mrs. Hester's blog (http://mrshester.blogspot.com/2013/08/updated-parent-handout.html) and am tempted to use that format this year. My intention is to have a brochure they can take home, then have a brochure they can put in their journal (to deal with the times they can look at the syllabus for an answer).
When I get that all put together, I'll get that posted. I hope to finish out last year's stuff so that I can be ready to post for this upcoming year. Are you excited yet? I'm not sure how things will go, but I'm starting to get excited to see my students again. What are your plans for your syllabus this year?

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